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Anti-Brexit Britons In Spain Identifying As Migrants, Not Expats

Spanish-speaking migrants in Spain are eschewing the British bars and embracing the Mediterranean diet while expressing a desire to reverse Brexit. While many British expatriates living in Spain enjoy the comfort of familiar surroundings, a significant number of migrants are committed to integrating into their adopted country. These migrants prefer the Mediterranean diet over fish […]

Why Use A Discretionary Fund Manager?

Some of my colleagues and I have long been advocates of using the services of a Discretionary Fund Manager (DFM), to manage the investment portfolios on behalf of our clients, but of course, only when it meets the client’s needs and is cost effective. I have for a long time believed being a Financial Advisor […]

Disposing of a family business upon retirement

While running a business is part of a complex web of duties and responsibilities to stakeholders, running a family business presents a unique set of challenges, trials, and tribulations. Partnering with family members in a professional capacity and operating a business with which you have sentimental ties can be exceptionally rewarding, albeit taxing at times. […]

3 Key Investment Insights For May 2023

The world is currently experiencing several significant transformations, including the ongoing information revolution, the green revolution, and the remote working revolution. During transition periods, adaptation becomes necessary, which in turn introduces uncertainty. Presently, the world is facing an increased number of unsettling events compared to usual.  Between a global pandemic, social and political upheaval, the […]

Blacktower Moving To Establish A Full DIFC Presence

We’re excited to announce our intention to establish a full presence in the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC). We are currently in the final stages of obtaining regulatory approval, and our team of financial advisors is eagerly looking forward to embarking on a new chapter in Dubai with this significant addition to our Group. As […]

Priming a young generation of savers to invest

A quarter of UK adults have less than £100 put away and one in six adults have no savings, according to the Money & Pensions Service (MaPS). If adults fail to routinely tuck away funds for a rainy day or have little in the way of investment funds, youngsters with an appetite for investing will need […]

Make the most of high interest rates: Invest in MYGAs

Investing is an essential part of wealth management and retirement planning, but the process is often complex and it can be difficult to know where to start. With an overwhelming number of investment options available and uncertainty regarding returns putting many first-time investors off, Multi-Year Guaranteed Annuities (MYGAs) could well be the answer for those […]

Restrictions imposed on US Expats in the Netherlands

Due to reporting regulations introduced by the IRS in 2010, Americans who leave the States to live abroad are finding it increasingly difficult to find banking and financial advice services and are facing considerable restrictions when it comes to investment and retirement accounts.  The introduction of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FACTA) made it […]

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