Prudent investors know we live in a global economy and therefore a diverse global approach to investment is likely to provide the best opportunities for long-term capital growth.
The Nexus Portfolios are actively managed, with the assurance that a team of investment professionals are continually striving to both protect and grow your wealth.
- All aspects of asset allocation are closely monitored by the management team
- Globally invested in major market economies
- Active investment management
- Fully regulated Malta UCITS IV and V structures
- Robust risk management
You can find more information and the latest factsheets at or speak to your Blacktower adviser.
Nexus Global Solutions Portfolio
The Nexus Solutions Portfolio is a diversified and liquid portfolio of large cap global equities combined with a significant holding in sovereign and investment grade bonds.
The equity portion of the portfolio follows the same investment process as the Nexus Dynamic Portfolio. It is not constrained
by one particular investment style such as growth or value, nor is it constrained by a benchmark.
The fixed income portion of the fund is intended to provide an offset to the risk of the equity holdings and a resultant dampening of volatility for the overall portfolio. The fixed income component will be made up of government bonds and a diversified selection of liquid investment grade corporate
bonds. The coupon income these securities generate will help smooth the returns of the overall portfolio.
The Nexus Solutions Portfolio is an excellent, less-volatile alternative for investors who cannot hold all the equity of the Nexus Dynamic Portfolio.
Key Features
- Multi-asset approach with exposure to cash, fixed interest, equities and liquid alternatives
- Exposure to a wide range of growth and defensive assets
- Focus on major developed economies
- Dynamic Asset Allocation
Nexus Global Dynamic Portfolio
The Nexus Global Dynamic Portfolio is an actively managed, globally diversified, equity portfolio. The aim is capital appreciation.
Key Features
- Capital growth through investments in global equity markets
- Exposure to major developed economies and selectively to growing economies
- Highly liquid equity portfolio
Nexus Global Cautious Portfolio
The Nexus Global Cautious Portfolio is an actively managed, globally diversified, multi-asset class fund. The aim is capital protection and modest capital
The Cautious Portfolio is intended to create a lower-risk investment opportunity that delivers an attractive return
Key Features
- Long only investment strategy
- Highly liquid portfolio primarily invested in investment grade sovereign or corporate bonds
- Highly diversified
- Accumulation units only