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Posts matching 'Expat Financial Advice'

The Italian Flat Tax Regime: A New Haven for the Wealthy

Italy has long been a top destination for anyone seeking a charmed life. A combination of rich culture and stunning landscapes have always made settling in Italy an attractive prospect, but the allure of Bel Paese has peaked in recent years. The appeal lies in the country’s flat tax regime, an increasingly strong magnet for […]

Global Hotspots: Exploring the Best Countries for Expats in 2024

As globalisation continues to reshape our lives, the allure of living and working abroad has grown more vital than ever. Each year, thousands of people consider moving overseas, driven by the pursuit of new opportunities, adventures, and lifestyle changes. Navigating the complexities of such a significant life decision is crucial. The Expat Insider 2024 report […]

The Best Things About Living in Portugal

Portugal, with its stunning landscapes, vibrant culture, and welcoming atmosphere, has emerged as a top destination for expats from the US and UK seeking a change of scenery and a taste of the laid-back Mediterranean lifestyle. Living in Portugal offers a unique blend of modern conveniences and rich historical heritage, set against the backdrop of […]

Cayman Islands Wealth Management: Financial Prosperity for Expatriates

The Cayman Islands or “Cayman” consists of three islands; Grand Cayman, Little Cayman and Cayman Brac.  They remained mostly uninhabited until the 17th century.  The earliest settlors consisted of pirates, refugees, “lost at sea” sailors and migrants from other neighboring islands.  In 1670, England gained control of the islands which remains a British Overseas Territory to this day.

How To Protect Your Finances In A Divorce As An Expat

Making contingency plans for the unexpected is an essential part of wealth management. However, this aspect of financial planning should not be confined simply to strategising for the possibility of inflation, volatility, currency exchange movement and other macro factors; it should also account for personal factors. For example, how might your circumstances and goals change over time and are your retirement financial plans flexible enough to respond to these changes?

Examples of changes in personal circumstance include long-term care and medical costs, or large one-off capital expenses. And another important question, albeit loaded, is that of divorce.

There is good reason to address this question; 2017 data from the Office for National Statistics reveals that despite overall divorce rates for opposite-sex couples being at their lowest level since 1973, divorce among older people is actually rising.*

Remote Working In Spain From The UK Top Choice For Britons

The landscape of work has been transformed, with more British professionals considering Spain as their preferred destination for remote work. It’s easy to see the appeal of remote working in Spain, particularly in the depths of a British winter. Why not jet off to somewhere sunny and bright, where sandy beaches and crystalline waters give […]

France’s Automatic Visa Plan Set To Create Flexibility for UK Second-Home Owners

Recent developments in France’s immigration policy could bring significant changes for British second-home owners in the country. A new law, part of a broader immigration bill, has been proposed and is currently under review, which, if approved, would grant automatic long-stay visa rights to Britons owning second homes in France.  However, it’s important to note […]

Embracing the Dream Life in Málaga: The Best City For Expats In 2023

Málaga, Spain, renowned for its vibrant culture and scenic beauty, has been named the best city for expatriates in 2023. This coastal city is not just a haven for tourists; it’s an ideal destination for those seeking a permanent change, offering a high quality of life, a warm and welcoming community, and a myriad of […]

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