
News & Insights

Mine was consumed, how about yours?

Do What?

This week it was announced that Barclays Banks across Europe have decided that unless a customer has at least £100,000 in their account they will be asked to close it.  My thoughts are this:

• How disgusting to get you on board initially and then change the criteria so that you must leave. What a cheek and what an inconvenience !

• Who would put such a large amount of cash with one institution with such a patchy reputation, anyway?


This week I have taken on an 80 year old client who had an investment in a Spanish bank and they were told that they could release their invested funds without a charge. Not only were they investing 50% equities for a very cautious client (this is far too volatile), but that were charging Euro 3K in various forms to release it on just a Sterling 20,000 investment.  To be fair, the name of the bank does have the word “bad” in it.  The Clients are now safely under Blacktower’s wing.

by Dave Diggle, International Financial Adviser Costa Blanca

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