
News & Insights

Blacktower’s Nexus Funds Show Rapid Acceleration

The Nexus Portfolios are actively managed by David Miller and Nick Davis, Investment Directors of Quilter Cheviot.

‘This milestone has been reached by working closely with Nexus to deliver a portfolio to its clients that is truly and globally diversified, with strong and robust risk management,’ stated Miller.

‘It is with considerable pride that we can report these tremendous figures,’

John Westwood, Founder of Blacktower Group and Group Managing Director commented: 

‘While we celebrate the emphatic success of such an achievement, we are acutely aware that the hard work does not stop here. There is great appetite for adviser-driven, expertly managed DFM fund solutions internationally, and we are dedicated to servicing this demand with an innovative approach to wealth preservation and capital growth.’

Blacktower Groups’ Nexus Global is presently the only IFA network to have gained Network Membership status with The Federation of European Independent Financial Advisers (FEIFA), and was established in 2010 to provide a global financial advice network for independent operators.

This communication is for informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute, and should not be construed as, investment advice, investment recommendations or investment research. You should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the information contained in this communication is correct, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions.

Other News

Many Grandparents missing out on full state pension

Grandparents and FamilyThe ex-pensions minister Steve Webb is urging the government and the HMRC to do more to alert grandparents to all the pension perks they’re entitled to after it was revealed that the overwhelming majority are not receiving the full state pension. By missing out on a particular benefit, unknowing eligible grandparents are missing out on £231 a year. Over the course of their full retirement, this could possibly lead to a loss of thousands of pounds.

It is a scheme called the Specified Adult Childcare Credit. It is thought that only 1,300 grandparents are taking advantage of it despite 100,000 being eligible (a mere one per cent). The scope of the problem was found out by Webb when he sent a Freedom of Information request to the HMRC.

The purpose behind the Specified Adult Childcare Credit is to allow grandparents who give up work completely to help raise their grandchildren the chance to claim National Insurance (NI) credits.

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Banks competing for ex-pat money

I had a little laugh to myself this week reading some news from the UK. It appears that the banks may have developed a bit of a conscience.

Despite base rate remaining stagnant, there are signs that banks are competing for savers’ money by trumping deals offered by rivals. I have outlined some of the offerings below, read it and weep.  We at Blacktower would be ashamed if we were only offering the sadly low returns that the Banks are.

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