
News & Insights

Will Brexit provoke ‘travel tax’ for UK residents?

The EU Commission said the system of security checks is necessary to prevent terrorists entering the open-borders area, but UK Brexit critics warned it is further evidence of the hidden cost of quitting the Union.  Under the system, countries from outside the EU which do not require a full visa to travel to the bloc, will now pay a five Euro fee and must complete an online form.  The EU’s security commissioner has attempted to justify the charge by saying that it is an anti-terrorism measure.  What is not clear is what effect this will have on ex-pats travelling back and forth to the UK.

MPs have latched on to the potential charge as another hidden cost of Brexit and an example of how Brits could be disadvantaged compared to other EU residents.  Citing the move as a hidden tax and extra paperwork adding to the impact of the poor exchange rate on British travellers.  The proposals were to be discussed last Friday and the Home Secretary is seeking clarity on how Brits can continue to enjoy free and easy travel within the EU.

This appears to be another piece of evidence of the negative effect of leaving the EU for UK people in Spain. The adverse exchange rate prompted by the Brexit vote is still causing hardship amongst ex-pats coupled with the appalling returns on savings. 

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Premier FX collapse – What to do next for customers

Portugal Flag and EurosThe collapse of foreign exchange company Premier FX in the Algarve has caused shockwaves throughout the expat investor community in Portugal, with many customers now confused as to where they go from this point.

The death of founder Peter Rextrew on June 16 appears to have precipitated financial meltdown for the firm and on the 13 August administrators were appointed.

Customers who have their expat regular savings in Portugal tied up with the forex company and anyone who has sent money to the firm, should now provide as much information as possible to the administrators.

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Data Reveals Expat Cost of Living Impact

How is the outcome of the Brexit process likely to affect your purchasing power as a British citizen living as an expat in Europe?

This question should have priority in your checklist of expat wealth management concerns right now as British expat retirees in Europe are facing the reality of trying to cope with steeper rises in living costs than what is being experienced by their UK-based equivalents.

The revelation comes in the form of a data release from international technology-led services and payments specialist Equiniti. The firm found that British retirees who live in Europe have seen currency shifts contributing to a 14% rise in their cost of living – nearly double the UK’s domestic inflation rate of 7%.*

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