
News & Insights

French QROPS can help protect from currency fluctuations

What is a QROPS?

QROPS is short for Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme, a type of overseas pension scheme that meets criteria laid down by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and enabled by EU human rights legislation.

With QROPS it is possible to transfer UK pension benefits without any sanctions or charges. French QROPS are available to those who have lived and worked in the UK but who intend to retire and live in France – this is true for those who were born in the UK as well as those who were born elsewhere.

Confidence in the face of currency fluctuations

With economists predicting fluctuations in the value of the pound over the foreseeable future, transferring to a QROPS in France could help mitigate against this risk while also being part of a sound wealth management plan.

Furthermore, a QROPS transfer can be useful in providing both greater scope for investment and for inheritance planning.

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