
News & Insights

Pension Freedoms. Are they for you?

But what is the reality? It appears that blocks are being put in the way by large pension providers to people trying to access their money. Companies are concerned that the amount of money that could be potentially drained from their holdings would make them vulnerable to collapse.  

In response the providers are putting in place restrictions that prevent savers from having bank account like access to their money. These restrictions include long delays, high charges, misinformation or just saying to no to that type of service

Mr. Osborne’s proposals are now in danger of being sunk by the pension industry’s commercial interests. While some companies are clearly keen to capture business and compete in the new world of accessible, flexible pensions, other providers, mainly the large insurers that for decades profited under the old regime, are dragging their feet.  If you are feeling trapped by what is happening with your pension, Blacktower can help you. We have enormous experience in dealing with providers and can offer ways of transferring your money, in lots of cases to other providers which are tax efficient and with the freedoms you would hope for. We can plan for you an individual response that suits your needs.

This communication is for informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute, and should not be construed as, investment advice, investment recommendations or investment research. You should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the information contained in this communication is correct, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions.

Other News

Spanish Inheritance Tax Explained

As retirement draws near, many of us begin to think about how we want our hard-earned earthly possessions to be distributed amongst our nearest and dearest. Making a will, of course, is a good starting point, but you also might want to think about the slice of the pie that the taxman will take from our relatives’ inheritance.

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FCA and TPR Join Forces to Improve Outcomes

This month the two main pensions regulatory bodies, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and The Pensions Regulator (TPR), announced that they have joined forces to improve the prospects of retirees and pension savers. Previously, the two have worked together in an attempt to protect savers from pension scams.

The fact that the two regulators are thinking big by developing a strategy for the next five to ten years is good news as it gives some time for objectives to be fully understood and reached, and the published strategy will hopefully lead to greater numbers of savers having sufficient income once they reach retirement.

Initially, the two regulators oversaw a comprehensive review of the consumer pensions experience – particularly regarding how and why savers make the decisions they do. The published strategy now seeks to encourage pension providers to increase value for money, with an enforcement of standards and principles amongst the pension industry a key component of this aim.

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