
News & Insights

Is another Banking crisis just waiting to happen?

A study by the Adam Smith Institute (ASI) said the Bank’s tests – designed to measure whether a bank could withstand a severe financial shock – give false comfort by overstating the resilience of the finance sector.

“It is disturbing that 10 years on from Northern Rock, the best measure of leverage – those based on market values – indicate that UK banks are even more leveraged than they were then.

“The biggest risk facing the UK banking system now is the Bank of England’s own complacency.”

The report said high bank leverage had helped fan the flames of the financial crisis, while market valuations of UK lenders indicate that some have hidden losses.

And for those thinking, “I’m OK, I don’t have my money in UK Banks.” Do you believe that the banks in Europe are any better? Just look at the current state of Italian banks. And then there’s the recent collapse of Banco Popular, the 6th largest bank in Spain, which only last year passed the stress tests with flying colours.

The collapse of Northern Rock didn’t just highlight the fragile state of the banking sector across the world, it has caused repercussions still being felt 10 years on; pensioners and savers are still suffering due to low interest rates, which have meant that in real terms they are losing money year on year as they are unable to keep up with growing levels of inflation.

In September 2007, a £40,000 savings pot would have earned a couple annual interest of £2,679, when the best rate on an easy access savings account was 6.5%, from West Bromwich Building Society. This compares to today’s best-buy rate of just 1.25% from Ulster Bank. This would generate a paltry £503 over 12 months — or £2,176 less.

Today, the only real alternative that can possibly offer the potential to outperform inflation is investing your money.

This communication is for informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute, and should not be construed as, investment advice, investment recommendations or investment research. You should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the information contained in this communication is correct, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions.

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Brexit – In or Out

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Since returning and announcing the referendum on 23rd June, people he once considered good friends, allies and colleagues who he could count on for support have decided to join the out camp and now this is gaining momentum.

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New Spanish Will Laws from 17th of August

Blacktower Financial Management

Many of our clients will have beside their property and / or bank accounts here in Spain still assets abroad.  This could be a property in the “home” country, a share portfolio in Luxembourg, an offshore bank account etc.

Most would have a Will covering these assets in their home country and without specific mention of the asset will have laid out their wishes in the form of for example “spouse to spouse on first death and on second death to the children” which would apply to all their assets.  

Should the person have not bothered taking on a Spanish Will then the heirs would have to go through the extra work and costs involved in relying on a UK or foreign will for the disposal of the Spanish assets.  The Will would have to be translated and apostiled adding delays and extra costs at a difficult time for the heirs.

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