
News & Insights

Here today, gone tomorrow?

So, when was the last time you talked to your financial adviser about what you should (or shouldn’t) be doing? Reviews should take place three or four times a year, and you should be able to reach your adviser easily by phone or email for updates or catch-ups at other times. There are many advisers who are determined and solicitous while they are trying to get your business, but few who remember they are meant to be meeting you regularly and providing ongoing advice and service.

Even when there aren’t any changes needed in your financial planning, making sure a client has peace of mind is a very important part of our job. A good advisory relationship should be based on trust and professionalism, so if you don’t feel properly taken care of – or don’t believe your IFA has your best interests at heart – you should look for someone who does.

Here at Blacktower, we want you to achieve your financial aspirations. Get in touch today.


This communication is for informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute, and should not be construed as, investment advice, investment recommendations or investment research. You should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the information contained in this communication is correct, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions.

Other News

CSG Changes for Expats in France

Couple holding handsThe wealth management plans of many expats in France have received a welcome boost with an announcement by the French government that there will be a reduction in the rate of social charges on investment income, meaning that low income expats will now be subject to a 7.5% charge compared to the previous 17.2% rate. However, the basic rates will remain as they were in 2018.

The news, which was announced as part of the social security budget for 2019, is of particular interest to expats in retirement as well as those who draw investment income. It also benefits those who do not live in France but receive income from investments in the country.

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Yet another Corona post

BlacktowerOn one level or another we have all been affected by this virus. Some financially, some emotionally or physically. Thousands have lost their job or are on partial income, many are bound to stay home, have not seen loved ones in months; others have even lost family members or friends. 

Whatever your personal circumstances, we all have been affected mentally. 

Despite our best efforts to make use of this time to finally do everything we wanted to do, clear out the cellar, take care of the tax return, sort out those pensions, work out more or finally learn to cook, for many this has not happened. Why? 

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