
News & Insights

Female Finance: International Women’s Day

“I wish more women would become financial advisers; it’s an excellent career but it’s not an easy life. The profession is dominated by men, but I urge women who begin a career in finance not to emulate the way men work. Women tend to have a unique skill set that is ideally suited to this role, and the ability to really listen and understand a client’s needs. To make life easier I would find a mentor: a woman, if you can.”

Christina Brady – Associate Director

I’m proud to be a woman in finance. For almost 20 years now, I’ve been offering my support and advice to a wide range of clients, most notably expats living in Spain.

My advice to women starting in the financial services is: know your worth. Don’t try and conform to how others do things – be the best version of yourself and play to your strengths. Now more than ever you’re going to be dealing with female clients and you will be able to use your innate empathy to build a relationship of trust.

Also, be resilient. You may spend a lot of time answering questions on subjects outside of your area of expertise. It can be a hectic job with long hours so don’t forget to make time for yourself, whether that’s doing yoga, reading or enjoying a nice big glass of Rioja!

Lucia Melgarejo – International Financial Adviser

Women need to support women. Share knowledge, share experiences and share insights – it’s this foundation that yields the most success, the best reputations and the highest levels of integrity.

I would sum up my approach to a career in finance as follows:

  1. Never sell yourself short
  2. Step up and take responsibility
  3. Know your objectives
  4. Pick a female mentor
  5. Run your own race

Working in financial services can present endless opportunities for those who cultivate positive, enduring relationships, always keep learning and put their clients at the heart of every effort.”

Manuela Robinson – Joint Country Manager

“Always be yourself, because that’s your biggest strength. Don’t think of yourself as a woman in a man’s world because you’re not – you’re an equally qualified individual and never forget it. Sometimes a woman is at an advantage in that we have a different set of skills, whether you’re a partner, mother, family organizer, party planner, listener or a friend!”

Rosemary Sheppard – International Financial Adviser

This communication is for informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute, and should not be construed as, investment advice, investment recommendations or investment research. You should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the information contained in this communication is correct, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions.

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Expats a Factor in Huge Pension Withdrawals

Pile of CoinsExpat pension needs are one of the major reasons behind the £15.3 billion the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) say was was taken from pensions during 2016/17.

The high level of withdrawals is no doubt attributable to the increased flexibility afforded UK pension savers by the introduction of landmark reforms over the past few years.

The £15.3 billion figure was disclosed following a Freedom Of Information request to the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and is a massive 173% increase on the £5.6bn that was withdrawn in 2012/13.

In fact, the second quarter of 2017 saw the highest quarterly level of pension withdrawals in five years – no doubt including many expat pensions withdrawals – with more than 40,000 people withdrawing £4.3bn from their pensions.

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2019 May Be A Testing Time

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On the monetary front, the belief is that US interest rate expectations are peaking and that we will possibly have two more hikes in 2019 at 0.25% each. With little chance of interest rate rises in Europe this will mean little respite for hard pressed savers.

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