
News & Insights

Expat financial services could help arrest income decline

However, expats in other destinations would also be likely to benefit from solid expat financial services; the study reports that pensioners in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and North America are also facing difficult financial questions coupled at a time when they are coming to terms with declining income. In fact, only pensioners in South Africa and Jamaica have actually seen their income rise over the past decade.

The study was carried out by Equiniti Group which oversees the payment of more than 60,000 pensions.

“Expat pensioners are always at the behest of the currency exchange rollercoaster, but after a period of the pound strengthening, the retirement income that they received has dipped again for most,” commented Andy Brown, managing director at Equiniti International Payments.

It is clearly a critical time for British expats abroad and the value of solid and authoritative expat financial advice has never been clearer, whether it relates to QROPS or QNUPs transfers, wealth management or regular savings. As has always been the case, good timely advice has the potential to make a real difference.

This communication is for informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute, and should not be construed as, investment advice, investment recommendations or investment research. You should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the information contained in this communication is correct, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions.

Other News

Dutch Tax Exemption Rule Change Hits Expats

Pen and checkboxOpposition to the imminent changes to the Dutch 30% tax reimbursement scheme (see the Blacktower news feed) is growing. Now, VCP, the Dutch white collar workers’ union, has joined the dissenters by calling for, at the very least, a transition period for expat workers who will suffer unwanted changes to their Netherlands wealth management plans as a result of the amendments.

It is easy to see why so many people find the timetable for the ruling so unjust; those affected could see their incomes reduced by around 20% once the ruling comes into force in under six months.

It could also result in unwanted damage to the Dutch economy, with real fears that it could deter expat workers from coming to the Netherlands in the first place.

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Grand Cayman wealth management benefits from technology

As a holistic provider of wealth management services in the Grand Cayman and other strategic locations across the world, Blacktower is committed to ongoing innovation in order to continually consolidate and better the level of service it provides its clients.

As such, it comes as little surprise to us that a recent piece of research by ComPeer suggests that wealth managers should digitise their operations and embrace fintech if they are to continue to attract clients.

It is truly an exciting time to be involved in wealth management. As one of the UK’s longest standing wealth management companies Blacktower has all the requisite experience of both serving clients and dealing with regulators; we believe that coupling this strong foundation with a commitment to technological modernisation puts us at the forefront of wealth management in Grand Cayman as well as the other locations from which we operate.

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