
News & Insights

Are you willing to turn to ‘robo-advice’?

 As a result, robo-advice was developed. Do you think it sounds like science fiction? Well, major financial institutions are starting to get in on the action. Royal Bank of Scotland recently announced that 220 of its staff could be replaced by robo advice. The trouble is, there are concerns that all investors could be placed in too broad an investment strategy that does not adequately cater for their investment needs or take into account their tax position, such as a likely inheritance. In addition, the existing online advice propositions still require investors to do a lot of decision making, such as picking which funds they want to be invested in. 

In Spain you are lucky as you still have the opportunity to see a financial adviser without having to pay an up-front fee, thus rendering the service available to everyone. In these worrying and bewildering times it is essential – if you want to make the most of your money – to see a professional to give you guidance.

This communication is for informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute, and should not be construed as, investment advice, investment recommendations or investment research. You should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the information contained in this communication is correct, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions.

Other News

Reforms to pension tax relief may happen soon

TaxThe importance of putting money into a pension cannot be understated, and the British government has a regulation in place – the pension tax relief scheme – to encourage people to save. But many experts are predicting significant changes to the scheme. If you’re planning to retire overseas as an expat and take advantage of international pension transfers, you’ll need to stay updated with these changes.

How does pension tax relief work?

The pension tax relief scheme is an incentive to entice people to put money into their pension pot. To reward people for thinking ahead to their retirement, the government currently tops up their pension contributions based on the rate at which they pay income tax. So, basic rate taxpayers will receive 20 per cent tax relief (meaning they only need to pay £80 into their pot to get £100), while higher rate taxpayers are entitled to 40 per cent relief.

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Will Brexit provoke ‘travel tax’ for UK residents?

Plans have been released by Brussels to introduce a travel tax on post-Brexit UK travellers. British people will no longer be able to travel freely to Europe without paying a “travel tax” and being forced to fill out a form under plans unveiled by Brussels.  The US-style visa waiver scheme is one of the first concrete signs UK citizens will not be permitted the privileges they once had, to move across European borders unhindered.

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