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Investing in the future – Ecommerce

The Smartphone

It is easy to underestimate just how much of a global game changer the smartphone has been, and how it has changed ecommerce for everyone. You now carry a digital shopping mall in your pocket or handbag that offers every product in the world at the very best prices, all of which are available at the click of a button and delivered to your front door. It is compelling and it is convenient for people of all ages but, for younger people, it is simply how things work as they have never known anything different. For those companies that understand this fact, the potential to grow is unparalleled; for those that don’t, there is no future.

Stop and look at your (digital) life

Most of us are completely unaware of just how fast our individual, everyday habits are changing toward becoming digital citizens of a global economy. Our every communication is an email, a text, a post or a tweet. Every photo now rests comfortably in the cloud; every book is now read on a Kindle or iPad. The music we listen to is streamed as we browse flights and hotels, manage our bank accounts, pay our taxes or even video chat with our friends and relatives in distant parts of the world on our devices. When you stop and look around, you start to realise that without ever making a conscious decision, your life has become digital and there is no going back.

How to invest

The potential for ecommerce is unlimited – but only for those companies that get it right. For retail investors, it is therefore extremely difficult to try to pick the winners in the crowd, which is why specialist investment funds have been created that aim to do exactly that. Managers of ecommerce funds must constantly look for the companies that are best placed to facilitate, or benefit from the rapidly growing trend. Whilst it carries tremendous opportunities, it also carries a higher risk than the average equity investment fund. For that reason, investors should only allocate a small proportion of their available capital in this area. You should also consider it a longer term investment theme as these are the companies of the future (as well as today). Finally, did you know?

  • We now send more than 100 billion emails every day!
  • The video gaming market is now significantly bigger than Hollywood and the Music Industry – combined!
  • In 2015 only 50% of the world had access to the Internet and only 30% have a smart phone so far…

To find out more about investing in Ecommerce as part of your overall investment strategy, contact us today.

This communication is for informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute, and should not be construed as, investment advice, investment recommendations or investment research. You should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the information contained in this communication is correct, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions.

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Final salary pensions – why now is a good time to cash in

Juicy lottery-sized sums are being offered to savers to tempt them out of gold-plated workplace pension schemes and into personal plans. We’ve explored whether you should consider taking a final salary pension, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of withdrawing.

What is a final salary pension?

A final salary pension, sometimes referred to as a gold-plated pension, is a special style of retirement fund that is based on your final or average salary.

The main difference between this and a defined contribution pension is that a final salary scheme gives you a guaranteed sum annually for the rest of your life when you retire.

To work out the value of your final salary scheme, consider a few factors: 

  1. Your final or average salary at your place of employment (confirm this with your employer)
  2. Your length of service
  3. The final salary scheme’s accrual rate (this is often 1/80th)

Your final salary pension will take each factor into account, and the resulting figure will be the guaranteed annual sum you are entitled to.

For instance, if you worked somewhere for ten years, and leave on a salary of £100,000, with an accrual rate of 1/80th, you will have a guaranteed retired annual income of £12,500.

It is possible to undertake a final salary pension transfer. Depending upon how long you expect to enjoy retirement, this could be a favourable choice. However, it’s important to consult a financial advisor to make your final salary pension transfer values work harder.

What are the benefits of transferring a final salary pension?

Assessing your final salary pension transfer value, you might consider it worthwhile to withdraw. We’ve outlined the main benefits of taking your final salary pension:

Receive the cash value of your final salary pension

Withdrawing from a final salary scheme allows you to receive a cash lump sum in return for forfeiting your guaranteed income in retirement. This final salary pension transfer value is the main reason to withdraw from a scheme, as it offers you financial freedom.

Remove ties with your employer

This is an especially important point if you’re concerned that your employer may not exist throughout your full retirement. For most, the pension protection fund (PPF) will cover your pension, but, for especially high earners, there is a PPF ceiling of £41,461 (as of April 2020).

Enjoy a flexible income in your retirement

A final salary scheme entitles you to a guaranteed annual income when you retire, but if you go down the route of transferring your final salary pension you will be able to enjoy a little more flexibility in how you receive your income. Usefully, by withdrawing from your final salary scheme, you can choose to take more out in your younger years.

Choose how you want to invest your pension

A final salary scheme is controlled tightly to accommodate all employees and their interests. When withdrawing from the scheme, however, you can take complete control over how your pension fund is invested.

The considerations you should make before transferring your final salary pension

While there are certainly benefits of going down the route of transferring final salary pension funds into various other pots, it’s important to consider what you’ll be giving up:

  • Entitlement to a fixed annual income for the rest of your life
  • A safe income that doesn’t fluctuate with volatile markets and share prices
  • Spousal and family benefits that come with a final salary scheme

 Example: Should I cash in my final salary pension?

An example is Mrs Dee (not her real name), 4 years ago she asked for her final salary transfer values, which came in at £250,000 – a nice sum, you may think. After reviewing all the facts and figures available, however, I advised Mrs Dee to leave her final salary pension where it was, which she duly did.

Towards the end of last year, because of favourable market conditions, I applied again to see the value of transferring her final salary . This one came in at just under £600,000.

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