
News & Insights

Expats expected to seek HMRC QROPS transfers amid Brexit uncertainty

That said, there is certainly no harm in thinking about QROPS now, particularly in light of the spiralling pound and the need to consider the impact on foreign currency exchange rates – British expats should take whatever steps are necessary to preserve both their spending power and their existing retirement financial plans. And for those who have been thinking about becoming expats, with the future of freedom of movement in doubt, now is the time to do it – whether you are thinking of moving to Spain, France, Portugal or elsewhere in the EU.

One thing is for certain; with the economic uncertainty created by Brexit there is likely to be a both a massive surge in expat numbers and a dramatically increased demand for HMRC QROPS. This is because QROPS provides an opportunity for expats to transfer their pensions to a reliable and secure scheme outside of the UK but in English. QROPS investors also benefit from flexible investment opportunities, flexible taxation options and the, current, ability to withdraw a lump sum of up to 30%.

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New Spanish Will Laws from 17th of August

Blacktower Financial Management

Many of our clients will have beside their property and / or bank accounts here in Spain still assets abroad.  This could be a property in the “home” country, a share portfolio in Luxembourg, an offshore bank account etc.

Most would have a Will covering these assets in their home country and without specific mention of the asset will have laid out their wishes in the form of for example “spouse to spouse on first death and on second death to the children” which would apply to all their assets.  

Should the person have not bothered taking on a Spanish Will then the heirs would have to go through the extra work and costs involved in relying on a UK or foreign will for the disposal of the Spanish assets.  The Will would have to be translated and apostiled adding delays and extra costs at a difficult time for the heirs.

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