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Sweden Voted Top Destination for Women Expats

However, money is not the only consideration for expats. Switzerland may have topped the expat income charts, but ‘economics’, ‘experience’ and ‘family life’ were factored into the equation it was placed behind Singapore, New Zealand, Germany, Canada, Australia, Bahrain and Sweden.

Sweden’s appearance on the list is no surprise. For expats in Sweden, wealth management options are just one of the country’s many draws; it is also one of the leading places in the world for gender equality and came in at first place in terms of the opportunities for family life.

The study revealed that, globally, women still face more professional and wealth management challenges than men. Although becoming an expat increases a woman’s income by nearly 30 per cent, the income of expat women was still lower than their male counterparts by around USD42,000. However, in Sweden, this expat wealth management gender disparity was not so marked.

Blacktower expat wealth management

Blacktower is an established wealth manager and has been serving the needs of its clients for more than three decades. We have a detailed understanding of all the country-specific and cross-border tax and asset issues that affect you. For more information about wealth management in Sweden and or any of our other locations contact us today.

This communication is for informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute, and should not be construed as, investment advice, investment recommendations or investment research. You should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the information contained in this communication is correct, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions.

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New Spanish Will Laws from 17th of August

Blacktower Financial Management

Many of our clients will have beside their property and / or bank accounts here in Spain still assets abroad.  This could be a property in the “home” country, a share portfolio in Luxembourg, an offshore bank account etc.

Most would have a Will covering these assets in their home country and without specific mention of the asset will have laid out their wishes in the form of for example “spouse to spouse on first death and on second death to the children” which would apply to all their assets.  

Should the person have not bothered taking on a Spanish Will then the heirs would have to go through the extra work and costs involved in relying on a UK or foreign will for the disposal of the Spanish assets.  The Will would have to be translated and apostiled adding delays and extra costs at a difficult time for the heirs.

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