
News & Insights

Vulnerable UK Expat clients and their UK advisers left short by lack of Professional Indemnity cover

With passporting rights being a thing of the past, PII is not going to cover any of their EU based clients and means that both clients and their UK financial advisers are effectively in limbo. This lack of PII also stops cross border advice.  However, this does not apply to Global firms with worldwide cover such as Blacktower.

Put simply, this means there should no longer be UK-based advisers with EU-based clients.  So where does this leave you and who will service your plans and provide the right kind of protection? This might not be all bad news and could actually be good news, since French compliant products are better for UK expats living in France as they can offer significant savings with regards to income tax and inheritance tax.

One of these such products is Assurance Vie.  Most of us have heard of this if we have done any kind of research or lived in France for any length of time, but very few understand what it is and there are many misconceptions when I speak to clients about Assurance Vie.  One of the biggest is that you can’t access your money for 8 years.  Depending on which company you use to set-up your Assurance Vie you can have as much or as little access as you want.  What happens after 8 years is that you are given an additional tax-free allowance of €4,600.  This means that if any part of a withdrawal you make is subject to tax, then the first €4,600 will be treated as nil-rate.  It is an added bonus to encourage people to keep their money invested for the longer-term. 

As an international company we can offer you an international version of the Assurance Vie, which benefits from all the tax efficiency of being a French-compliant investment, but it allows you to keep your savings in GBP or convert to Euros or USD, if you would prefer.  This might help from a point of view of longer-term succession planning, if you intend to leave some of your money to your family, friends or charities in the UK.  If that is the case, it may not be the best option for you to convert your current savings to Euros. 

Additionally, to this, if you move to a different European country or back to the UK it is possible to port the Assurance Vie with you and it would simply become an offshore bond, that would remain tax efficient in the UK from both a growth perspective and income perspective.

Of course, you can always leave your savings and investments in the UK, but what was tax-efficient whilst you were a UK resident, is no longer tax-efficient in France and the onus is on you to report the interest and gains on these correctly and pay potentially 30% in investment tax and prélèvement sociaux each year, regardless of whether or not you withdraw any money.

It doesn’t always have to be complicated and I would be happy to talk through your individual circumstances.  You can contact me by email or call me on 06 38 86 99 70. Website: Initial consultations are free of charge and you can rest assured that Blacktower is a truly Global leader in financial services and carries Professional Indemnity Insurance to cover and protect all of our clients.

This article is based on the opinion of the financial adviser and author, and does not reflect the views of Blacktower. The above information is based on current legislation which is subject to change and does not constitute as investment advice, or investment research and you should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity.

Blacktower Insurance Agents & Advisors Ltd is regulated in Cyprus by the Insurance Companies Control Service and registered with ORIAS in France. Blacktower Financial Management (Cyprus) Ltd is regulated in Cyprus by the Cyprus Securities & Exchange Commission and is registered with the AMF in France.

This communication is for informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute, and should not be construed as, investment advice, investment recommendations or investment research. You should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the information contained in this communication is correct, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions.

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Savings important to expats on frozen pensions

Although having solid expat regular savings is important no matter what the financial climate, it is good to see that recent efforts by campaigners to end the freeze on state pensions currently endured by more than half a million retired expats abroad may be gaining momentum.

As it stands around 550,000 retired Brits abroad have to rely on their expat regular savings to top up a state pension which was frozen at £67.50 a week; nearly a full £40 less than the sum received by other pensioners.

The unfairness of their situation is compounded by the fact that the Government has struck individual deals with certain nations ensuring the full, unfrozen pension, but has left the expat residents of another 150 countries stuck with the year 2000-level pension.

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Assurance Vie and Fonds En Euro/Sterling

Simon VerityMany clients have sensibly opted to invest in Assurance Vie (Investment Bonds) type arrangements in France for the huge income tax and inheritance advantages offered though these products for French residents. A large selection of clients have also taken the option of using the Fond en Euros or Sterling funds preferring the guaranteed rates of return offered and the invested capital’s security.

Indeed so used are the Fond en Euros funds within Assurance vie “wrappers” that often clients believe that they are one and the same. The Fond en Euros main principles are that your capital’s value is guaranteed and you are given an annual rate of interest. The assurance vie ensures your funds grow free of French taxation due to the code of law relating to Life Insurance products. This combination has been so used in France and so much money tied up in these arrangements that the Government want to bring in a statute to limit the percentage invested into Fond en Euros per investor portfolio as they see this type of fund as stagnating the French economy and restricting investment into industry via the purchase of “actions” or shares. 

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