
News & Insights

Portugal is the Place for South African Expats

However, despite the many attractions of Portuguese expat life, there are a number of cross-border bureaucratic and wealth management complexities that make careful financial planning essential for any South African who is considering the move. And with the South African Revenue Service (SARS) 183-day rule about to be shelved in favour of a new expat tax regime, South African expats in Portugal now have even more to think about.

The expat tax – a new consideration

South Africans living in Portugal will soon have a new factor to account for in their wealth management plans. As of March 2020 SARS is set to remove the 183-day rule, which currently allows many South Africans to pay no tax at all on their overseas income. It will be replaced with the 1 million Rand zero band allowance.

Under the 183-day rule, South Africans working abroad for more than 183 days, with 60 days being consecutive, receive their overseas income free of South African tax.

Under the proposed new regime, which is linked to the adoption of the Common Reporting Standards, South Africans who earn 1 million South African Rand (ZAR) or more will pay income tax at a rate of up to 45%, with only the first ZAR 1 million being tax-free. Inevitably, the imminent introduction of this new tax has resulted in droves of high net worth South Africans looking to emigrate.

Anecdotally, wealth managers and tax advisers have reported a dramatic rise in the numbers of South Africans looking to apply for Golden Visa status in Portugal, with others hoping to secure European Union residence in countries such as Cyprus, Greece and Malta.

Whatever the case, there is little point in taking a “wait and see” approach. South Africans should evaluate their options as soon as possible. Some working expats, for example, may decide to alter the way in which they are paid for their overseas work – for example, in some cases, it may be possible to rebalance income with pension payments or other employment benefits to have the effect of reducing tax liability.

For many retirees, financial emigration to Portugal may be the best option. However, this is a formal process and anyone looking to achieve this should notify the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) and should also apply to SARS for an emigration tax clearance certificate. Others may choose the more complex process of looking to place their assets in another offshore jurisdiction. Whatever the case, advice is essential, not only in order to best preserve wealth, but also to ensure compliance with the many laws affecting such cross-border financial structures.

Negotiating complexities is key

There are many cross-border wealth management questions for the South African expat to consider. As such, finding the right international financial adviser is critical to ensuring that South African expats are able to optimise their finances in a way that gives them the power to successfully negotiate the unique challenges and complexities they face.

At Blacktower Financial Management we are in the perfect position to provide independent cross-border financial advice to South Africans who are living, working, retiring and investing in Portugal.

Whether you would like to discuss aligning your investments with your tax plans, planning your pensions future, planning for your legacy, or making the most of an efficient and transparent Discretionary Fund Management service, we can help you.

Manuela Robinson is Joint Country Manager for Portugal and can help you ensure that you have every financial consideration covered.

This communication is for informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute, and should not be construed as, investment advice, investment recommendations or investment research. You should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the information contained in this communication is correct, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions.

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More Taxing Times Ahead

From April 6th this year, individuals who do not spend sufficient time in the UK, or have insufficient ties with the UK to be resident there for tax purposes but who nonetheless own a home in the UK, may now need to pay capital gains tax (CGT) on any gains arising on the eventual sale of the property. 

How will the tax work?

Only gains made from 6th April 2015 are taxable in calculating the gain on the property disposal i.e. non-UK resident property owners will substitute the value of the property as at 6th April 2015 for its actual acquisition cost, thereby rebasing the value to its market value as at that date. Alternatively, property owners may elect to calculate the gain by using the actual acquisition cost but paying tax only on the time-apportioned post-5th April 2015 part of the gain.

If the non-resident usually files a UK self assessment tax return any gain must be included in the appropriate year’s return, otherwise any tax must be paid within 30 days of completion.  Non-residents will continue to be exempt from CGT on disposals of commercial property and other assets.

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Dealing with scams

Blacktower Financial Management

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