
News & Insights

Pension freedoms are being compromised

Now there is possible relief in sight. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is poised to clamp down on greedy managers by insisting they cannot charge more than one per cent of the value of the pot, but the change will not come into force until next March at the earliest.

So, anyone cashing in or transferring out of their pension today could still have their pocket picked. The move will make it easier for people to drop their pension if they are getting a poor deal or make full use of their new pension freedoms to cash in their pot without penalty.

Before you take any action on your pension you should seek advice from a financial adviser to see how you may be affected.  This could help you avoid the pitfalls of being overcharged for moving your money to a better position.  You will also receive advice on the most tax-efficient position you can achieve.  A simple review will also allow you to compare the benefits you are likely to receive from your current plan and the other options that are available to you.  

This communication is for informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute, and should not be construed as, investment advice, investment recommendations or investment research. You should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the information contained in this communication is correct, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions.

Other News

Tax Return Deadlines for Expats in the Netherlands

StopwatchIf your expat financial adviser in the Netherlands has not alerted you to the fact already, you should be aware that the deadlines for Dutch tax returns are looming. Depending on your circumstances, these are as follows:

  • 30 April – This is the general deadline and applies to the majority of taxpayers in the Netherlands
  • 1 July – This is the deadline for most non-residents, including those who are newly arrived in the Netherlands as well as all other parties who qualify as M Form taxpayers (those who have only spent part of the tax year in the Netherlands due to immigration or emigration)
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Family Court rules on QROPS pension

Fife pound notesA judge at a UK court has ruled that limitations in the law mean divorcing partners cannot make claims for the QROPS pensions of their British expat ex-partners.

This ruling relating to overseas QROPS pensions was reached in the High Court as part of the protracted and embittered divorce settlement of Amit and Ankita Goyal.

The couple divorced during the summer of 2013 and an earlier court hearing in October 2015 ruled that the husband should pay a financial settlement to his wife. However, it was not until the High Court decision in October 2016 that clarity was offered in respect of the husband’s £87,000 India-based QROPS pension.

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