
News & Insights

Good news on pension exit fees

There is already the facility in place for the FCA to cap excessive penalties, but following the recent announcement commentators are suggesting that the rate could be set to zero which is excellent news for ex-pats considering taking advantage of transferring to a QROPS.

Some providers are moving to scrap the fees before the FCA intervenes, preferring a form of self-regulation rather than official intervention.  An interesting side effect of this is that, potentially, the net could be widened to halt exit penalties on life insurance and endowment products.  Such exit penalties were written into millions of pension and other policies sold in the 70s, 80s and 90s.

Meanwhile, evidence is also mounting that insurers’ record-keeping is so poor that savers’ exit charges will have to be wiped because they cannot be calculated accurately. Experts are now warning pension savers in their 50s and early 60s to check the value of their pensions as widespread erroneous records mean there is a high chance of miscalculation.

If any of the above strikes a note with you, given that you will be relying on your pension for long term provision, you should seek advice from a reputable Independent Financial Adviser before taking any action.  An hour’s discussion could significantly alter your future lifestyle for the better. Fill in a contact form to get in touch with Blacktower today.

This communication is for informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute, and should not be construed as, investment advice, investment recommendations or investment research. You should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the information contained in this communication is correct, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions.

Other News

Defined benefit schemes – a ‘ticking time bomb’?

Following the news that no new buyer was interested in BHS and its £571 million pension deficit, a number of our clients with a working history in BHS got in touch with us to find out their position and options with regards to their future pensions. Unfortunately, it was too late as the window had closed. The BHS scheme got into the Pension Protection Fund, a statutory fund in the U.K., intended to protect pensioners if their pension fund becomes insolvent. What this means is that they are now locked in without any possibility of looking at alternatives and transferring out. For deferred members, this means a potential reduction in pension income as the PPF only compensates 90% of the income up to a certain cap.

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Planning for a Long Retirement in Spain

PaellaPeople across Europe and the Western world are living longer than ever before. This is likely to be the result of a combination of many factors – for example, good diet, technological and medical advances. and increased access to healthcare.

However, simply moving to a country with high longevity is, in itself, not enough to confer any benefit.

For example, if you move to Spain but eat a ‘Full English’ breakfast every day, followed by fish and chips for lunch and roast beef with Yorkshire pudding for dinner, while all the while smoking 20 cigarettes a day and downing several pints of beer every evening, the Spanish climate and great healthcare is probably not going to help increase your lifespan by a particularly significant amount.

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