
News & Insights

Fraud Notice:

Blacktower Financial Management have been made aware of certain fraudulent schemes that have been conducted by individuals or organisations claiming to represent Blacktower Financial Management Group of Companies.

This type of fraud tends to occur through online services including bogus websites, social media accounts, or through unsolicited emails or text messages. The aim of the fraud is to trick you into believing you are communicating with a Blacktower representative in order to enter into a business relationship with the goal of obtaining your personal information or money. Blacktower’s name, logo, and other Company information is used without permission to try to convey authenticity.

Fraudulent websites and companies with no association to Blacktower:

Blacktower Finance Management Group

Blacktower Finance Islands Cooperation

If you believe you are the victim of any fraudulent activity, we advise you to contact local law enforcement or financial regulator.

If you have any concerns, or receive suspicious communications that reference Blacktower, please submit an enquiry, through our contact us page :

This communication is for informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute, and should not be construed as, investment advice, investment recommendations or investment research. You should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the information contained in this communication is correct, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions.

Other News

Comparison website ‘misleading’ savers into buying low rates

A leading comparison website’s customers were directed to savings accounts that could leave them £500 worse off than the best possible rates, according to an investigation.

Savers who compared ISA’s and bonds on the site were not offered the best rates on the market. Thousands of savers who used the website to select a savings account were misled, costing them potentially up to £500 a year in lost interest, according to a recent investigation. Channel Four’s Dispatches said that the comparison website advertised poor-value savings. 

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Don’t delay… Pension/Future Savings for Expat workers Paris or elsewhere…

For many, the stresses and demands of work often leaves little time to consider your personal affairs and it is easy to put things on the back burner. International jobs whilst often paying “top dollar” can be transient in the regard that you may be in Paris this year and New York the next. Compound this with changes of employers and local pension regimes (if there is one) and one can quickly find that retirement provision is fragmented and very soon not in line with current earnings or expectations for your exit from business and eventual retirement.

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