
News & Insights

Expats deserve guarantees

There is a compelling need for clarity for expats. For example, before the UK entered the EU and subsequently become subject to EU free movement rules, allowing UK citizens to move freely between and reside in any EU country of choice, it was signatory to a number of deals with European countries that have now been superseded – for example, there was an agreement with France that ensured reciprocity over social security payments to expats. While some commentators have wondered whether such agreements might again become active in the event of Brexit – others feel that this is a case of wishful thinking.

Whatever the situation, UK lawmakers do have the power to positively influence the situation of expats and they should do so as soon as possible. For example, there is nothing to stop both sides of parliament from moving to trigger Article 50 and urging EU states to ensure reciprocity regarding the rights of expats. Doing so would put an end to the limbo currently being experienced by many and would quiet any troubling suggestions that expats might become political pawns in some of the more Machiavellian negotiations inherent in the Brexit process.

Such decisiveness would also give expats more confidence over what they might do with their pensions. Whereas some might currently be tempted to make an urgent QROPS transfer, if they could have guarantees regarding the future of their pensions they might be tempted to keep them in their existing schemes and perhaps make a decision at a later date.

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Other News

The biggest saving regret? Not starting sooner

Hourglass“Non, je ne regrette rien”.

Expats in France may be able to translate this famous song title to “No, I regret nothing,” which is ideally what every saver wants to be able to say as they reach the end of their expat retirement planning period and look forward to moving abroad to their own personal paradise.

But not everyone has the initiative to stay on top of their pension pot, and it might be interesting for the younger generation to hear what older workers and retirees have to say about their pension saving experiences and what they would do differently if they could turn back the clock.

With this in mind, research recently released by Aegon, which asked pension savers about which decisions regarding their pensions they regretted the most, could prove very useful and serve as a firm reminder of why sufficient retirement planning isn’t something to leave until the eleventh hour.

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Surge in Britons becoming EU citizens

PassportFrom pension transfers into beneficial QROPS to careful tax planning, expats have a lot to consider so that they can be financially confident and live their life abroad to the fullest.

But with Brexit looming, there are other considerations afoot. For example, should expats keep their British citizenship or apply for nationality in their new expat homeland? And according to new statistics, it appears that the Brexit referendum result has had a significant effect on the number of Britons gaining citizenship elsewhere in the EU.

Figures from Eurostat, the EU’s statistics agency, show a substantial surge in the number of Britons acquiring citizenship in other EU countries between 2015 (2,478) and 2016, when the number more than doubled to 6,555 – that’s an increase of 165 percent. The figures include both those who chose to adopt dual citizenship, so that they kept their British citizenship, as well as those who renounced it.

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