
News & Insights

Save or borrow?

According to the survey nearly one in three homeowners use equity in their homes to holiday. Visits to English speaking countries such as the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are among the most popular retiree holiday destinations, perhaps because many of the borrowers have family in these countries.

However, it should be considered that releasing equity in this way comes at a cost. In fact, many fail to repay their loans until their houses are sold. It is clear that having a strategy to ensure sufficient expat regular savings can help avoid this pitfall.

Naturally, it is homeowners in the areas of the UK with the highest value house prices – for example, London, Sussex and Surrey – who are most likely to borrow against the value of their homes.

“Whether it’s jetting off to exotic climates, purchasing a holiday home or visiting relations in far-flung corners of the world, property wealth is providing the opportunity for over-55s to visit places they have previously only dreamed of. It is also enabling many to have a second home in the UK or abroad, which for many would not be possible without access to the wealth tied up in their main homes,” said Mirfin.

According to the Association of British Insurers, last year nearly 4,000 people withdrew 10% or more of their expat regular savings in the past year.

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Other News

Dealing with scams

Blacktower Financial Management

You may have seen emails alerting you to a new fraud specific to the financial services advice industry. We are not aware of any of our clients having been targeted in the way described below, but it is our responsibility at Blacktower to do everything we can to educate our clients about these scams to avoid any harm coming to them.

The fraudsters claim to be from the Financial Conduct Authority or local law enforcement and are targeting clients of investment management firms. They are advising clients that the investment manager, adviser or firm is under investigation. The fraudster specifically asks the client not to speak to their investment manager, adviser or firm, or even close connections, claiming this would be considered tipping off. The client is then advised to encash their portfolio and move the cash to the client’s bank account. Once this is done, the fraudster then ‘recommends’ an investment which is actually a scam.

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Disclosure of assets

In light of the Panama Papers and their revelations, it would appear that it is not only tax evasion is in the headlines but also tax avoidance schemes. Evading tax by concealing income is illegal, avoiding tax by exploiting the tax rules technically is not.

panama papersTo help tax authorities in various countries hunt out those individuals and companies trying to hide assets, the UK has recently signed a disclosure of asset agreement with Spain, Germany, France and Italy. What does this mean? It means that the UK, in partnership with France, Germany, Spain and Italy, have passed regulations that will lead to the automatic sharing of information about the true owners of companies, complex shell companies and overseas trusts.

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