
News & Insights

Death & Taxes by Keith Littlewood, International Financial Adviser Costa Blanca

The exact same can be said of your investments if you do not review them and keep your portfolios up to date.  What seemed like a great idea at the time may not be today. Many investors put their money away, choose funds with a 1 ,3 or 5 year time frame and then forget about them and put the documents in the draw only to be totally shocked at the end of the term when their investments have not met with their expectations, or at worst the fund has been suspended.  

The best adviser in the world cannot claim to get it right all the time, but what they can do is make sure their clients are seen on a regular basis, updated with the performance of their funds and make the relevant changes to ensure their investments and are suitable in the current economic climate and, more importantly, continue to meet with your expectations.  

I make it my number one priority to be always accessible to my clients and make sure I speak to each one on a regular basis to review the investments we have entered into.Do you receive a similar service?

In this current uncertain economic climate I would urge you to contact your investment adviser today and arrange a review of your own portfolio.  The more people I speak to, the more I get the impression that they receive no on-going support/advice for the investments they hold. Do you feel like this?

This communication is for informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute, and should not be construed as, investment advice, investment recommendations or investment research. You should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the information contained in this communication is correct, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions.

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Moving to Portugal – Important matters to consider

InvestPortugal offers an attractive regime of taxation to European Nationals considering a move here.

The regime is entitled (NHR) which stands for Non-Habitual Residents. Uncommon with other EU nations, a flat rate of taxation at 20% is applied to income derived in Portugal and a near total exemption for international income. For most European nationals, the NHR regime offers a simple and efficient residency programme.

The absence of wealth, inheritance and gift tax, coupled with a residency permit which allows free movement within the Schengen area, makes NHR extremely popular.

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