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Blacktower Announces New Fund For The ‘Cautious’ Investor

Blacktower Announces New Fund For The ‘Cautious’ Investor – Press release 26/01/2023

Financial Management Group Blacktower have announced the launch of a new investment fund designed for the savvy yet cautious INVESTOR.

“We’ve wanted to offer a lower cost and more tentative fund for a long time,” explains John Westwood, founder and Group Chairman at Blacktower. “Low-risk safe havens have not served investors particularly well in the recent past as the concept of ‘TINA’ (There Is No Alternative) prevailed .

“The goal was creating a low-risk investment opportunity that still delivers a good return. This has been problematic in the past, with the idea that one needed to be predominantly invested in equities dominating, as there seemed to be no way to create a safe investment that delivered. TINA’s reign is over as high inflation has forced major central banks to increase the cost of money. 2022 was the worst year in 100 years for multi-asset investors. The vast reduction in negative-yielding debt provides perhaps the best indication of the major change in the investment environment over the past 12 months. While this has been a painful period for multi-asset investors, it has created a reasonable alternative to equities.”

The new Nexus Global Cautious Portfolio, a sub-fund of Libero International SICAV Plc, looks to take advantage of this new investment landscape with a portfolio featuring over 60% in quality bonds as its bedrock. This will be couple with a more modest allocation to equities. 

“This fund is designed for those with a desire to have something more risk averse,” John elaborates. “It’s lower risk, but still delivers a return and provides a viable alternative for those investors who are less willing to accept the volatility of the equity market.

This is a great opportunity for the more cautious investor who may be closer to drawing down, or perhaps simply has a more cautious outlook on life, to take advantage of an investment opportunity that isn’t nearly as volatile as other options. 

This communication is for informational  purposes only and is not intended to constitute as investment advice, investment recommendations or investment research. You should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity.

This communication is for informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute, and should not be construed as, investment advice, investment recommendations or investment research. You should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the information contained in this communication is correct, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions.

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