
News & Insights

2019 May Be A Testing Time

In these uncertain times, many savers and investors are holding large sums as cash within their bank accounts and investments. Yet they are invariably getting no interest on these deposits. So action is required if they want the potential to at least meet inflation, currently standing at over 2.5%.

The expectation is that performance of the financial markets in 2018 should be a reasonable guide to what lies ahead in 2019, with greater volatility playing a major role. The feeling is that Equities will lead the way in 2019, albeit via a bumpy road.

Investors should expect lower and more variable returns than those seen in 2017 and the sentiment is that buy and hold is the best strategy. But to weather the storms ahead investors need to hold a well-diversified portfolio that is actively managed. Management of volatility is key so Multi-asset funds should be of interest to investors.

This communication is for informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute, and should not be construed as, investment advice, investment recommendations or investment research. You should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the information contained in this communication is correct, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions.

Other News

The Catalan Crisis in Spain

Catalan and Spanish FlagCatalonia’s push for independence after a referendum has plunged Spain into its worst political crisis since the attempted military coup in 1981.

The crisis could have huge repercussions for the Spanish economy. Catalonia itself has its own language, parliament, police force and controls some of its own public services, such as schools and healthcare.  It is one of Spain’s wealthiest and most productive regions and has a distinct history dating back almost 1,000 years.

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Debunking the Myths: Residency

Hand touching globeBritish people make up one of the highest percentages of expats in the world, it is estimated by the World Bank that between 4.5 million and 5.5 million Britons live abroad – around 7-8% of the UK population. Spain has become a firm favourite for people choosing to settle down overseas.

The United Nations Population Division found that over 381,025 official British expats were in Spain during 2013, with even more who are unofficially living ‘under the radar.’

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