
Why top up your UK National Insurance contributions now you are living and working in Australia?

It’s your last chance to top up missed national insurance contributions as far back as 2006. Many expats may feel there isn’t a benefit to paying national insurance abroad but this webinar demonstrates it may be the best investment decision you can make.

For many expats topping up one year of UK National Insurance contributions will pay for itself within 7 months of retirement.

Paying National insurance while employed in the UK can be very expensive but the costs are severely reduced when topping up from abroad.

In this webinar, we will explain and explore the benefits of topping up national insurance contributions whilst living in Australia.

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In this webinar, Peter Wells and Luke Staden will explain the benefits of topping up National Insurance contributions whilst living in Australia.

They will guide you through the UK pension system and explain
• The New UK State Pension and how it is calculated
• The Triple Lock and how it effects expats
• The costs and benefits of topping up for expats
• Example scenarios
• How to get started

Find out why most Australian expats who top up NI contributions expect to return more than 37x the cost of topping up!

This webinar is suitable for any persons who have lived in the UK for a period of 3 years or more. You do not have to be a UK citizen to benefit from topping up your UK National Insurance contributions.

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