
News & Insights

What is an unfunded pension and might you have one?

Those of you lucky enough (or so we thought) to have accumulated a pension pot over your working life time – with the promise  of a good pension upon reaching 60 (such as the equivalent of two thirds of your final salary) may be in for a shock.

Just like endowments, when these arrangements were devised by company pension planners they thought that rates of returns in the region of 9 and 10% per annum would continue forever. History had told us otherwise and, accordingly, these ‘promises to pay’, are turning out to be hollow.  The pension companies, whilst budgeting for the aforementioned annual returns, have found it increasingly difficult to obtain just a 5% annual return and have struggled for many years.  This means that there is not enough in the pot to pay the promised amount – and this is what is called an “unfunded pension”.  The ‘promise to pay’ is called a “Defined Benefit Pension”.

Actuarial company Lane Clark & Peacock analysed information contained in the annual reports and accounts of FTSE 100 businesses, with Defined Benefit Pension shortfalls disclosed at 56 companies. 

You can see, therefore, that this pension shortfall applies to 56% of the wealthiest businesses in the UK, so perhaps it follows that the problem is even bigger for the less wealthy companies i.e. the companies that you worked for – did anyone reading this work for BHS?  As it happens, BT (British Telecom) also have a pension deficit – but I don’t wish to worry anyone, so I will counter that by saying that it has also been stated that the BT balance sheet is strong enough to fund the pension deficit but shareholders will lose out. 

What can you do?

Well, it’s never an easy decision but one idea is to disentangle your pension pot from the main pot by transferring it to a QROPS (Qualified Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme) or Sipp (Self Invested Personal Pension). That way, your money becomes ring-fenced for you, normally with many less conditions and rules on how you can spend your own money, including leaving all of it to your heirs.

If you think whatever you have been offered by your pension firm is derisory, contact me and I can help you come to the right decision whilst advising you of your options.  

We are the professionals with 30 years experience; why would you risk going anywhere else (and this includes your local bank)? 

This communication is for informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute, and should not be construed as, investment advice, investment recommendations or investment research. You should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the information contained in this communication is correct, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions.

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Investing in the future – Ecommerce

SmartphoneThere is no doubt that ecommerce is one of the most exciting investment sectors that exists today. Every aspect of our lives is affected by ecommerce. It is fast, high profile, and the numbers are breathtaking:

  • Amazon processed nearly $89 billion in sales from 240 million customers;
  • Visa and MasterCard have over 1,600 million credit cards in circulation;
  • Apple and Google are now worth more than many entire countries.

Amazing as those number are, they pale into insignificance when you consider that the total ecommerce market was estimated to be $1.6 trillion in 2015. However, 20 years ago it didn’t exist, but it is forecast to grow to $3.5 trillion per annum by 2019.

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Modelo 720 (Overseas Asset Declaration) It’s that time of year again

Spanish FlagIf you are resident in Spain (if you live here more than 183 days in a calendar year, the Spanish tax authorities and in turn the UK HMRC will class you as Spanish resident) and held assets outside Spain as at 29 December 2017 worth over Euro 50,000, and you haven’t already declared them on a Modelo 720, you need to so by the end of March.

You may ask why should you bother, well unless you want a huge fine and possibly tax audit (they can legally go back to 2012) it is in your best interests to do it.

Some of you may still be under the impression that the reporting of assets is not a legal requirement; if this is the case then sadly I have to tell you, you are mistaken. On 15 February 2017, the European Commission accepted that Spain has the right to require residents to declare overseas assets. While the Commission disagrees with the severity of punishments for late or inaccurate submissions, the requirement to submit the Modelo 720 form is not under challenge. The EU and the UK say it is a legal requirement.

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